Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh Wow, Malcolm McLaren Just Died

So it looks like McLaren just passed away, and you can get all of the important details at the usual sources. Now, McLaren is often cited as one of the progenitors of punk, but he's really one of the smartest marketers in all of pop music; the Sex Pistols were originally formed to promote his fashion store, and in his command of the vagaries of selling pop culture to masses we can find so much of the world we live in. All this you can probably find elsewhere; I'm writing this post because I hope this will not get lost in the shuffle:

A series of deeply strange albums in the 1980s, the first (Duck Rock) being a legitimate masterpiece. Stressing dance and pop music, not to mention deeply multi-cultural sensibilities, they couldn't be a thousand miles away from the dressed up classic rock the Sex Pistols sold to the world. Madame Butterfly! Kids, in this day in age, it's that track that seems like punk rock.

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